Our Approach


More Than
Golf Course Design
At Bobby Weed Golf Design, we understand that a new golf course build, renovation or remodel is a significant undertaking. It may also come with a sizable cost. We carefully listen to each club’s goals, then offer insights that maximize value.
BWGD is also a leader in golf course repurposing – a means to update layouts through redesign and reallocation of partial acreage for higher-value land uses. Repurposing allows clubs and communities to preserve golf courses while surmounting economic challenges.


A Hands-On,
Holistic Approach
Our resourceful and versatile team considers every detail when consulting on a new golf course build, renovation or real estate project.
Using a holistic approach, we support all aspects of golf course development: design, construction, financing, agronomics, management, operations and real estate.
We believe that the more we are involved, the better the results. In fact, Bobby is often seen on construction equipment personally shaping a course or “rubbing on a feature” until it feels just right.
In that same vein, Bobby uses his experience as a certified superintendent to help clubs advance their golf course maintenance operations.
An Innovative
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"Challenging the players of today and tomorrow is a fascinating opportunity. I relish that challenge."
Bobby Weed
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